Fresh strawberry cupcakes are moist and fruity with chunks of fresh, ripe strawberries inside of a fluffy homemade vanilla cake batter. Perfect with strawberry...
Apple Butter Cookies are just like snickerdoodles. Soft and chewy, with a hint of apple, crinkle tops, and cinnamon-sugar coating. Use apple butter (homemade...
Raspberry Crumble Bars are made with sweetened fresh or frozen raspberries layered between a brown sugar oat crust and crumb topping. They’re chewy, fruity,...
Blueberry Cream Cheese Pie combines a fresh blueberry lemon fruit topping and creamy no-bake cheesecake filling inside of a flaky pastry crust. It’s a...
Hi, I’m Amber! I am a culinary graduate and dessert lover! This is where I share my favorite sweet and savory recipes alongside my knowledge and skills as a culinary graduate. I hope you find something you like!